Key Projects
[JST CREST - AIP Challenge] Deepfake Detection for eKYC Systems (Principal Investigator)
2022 - 2023
It is important to develop robust and efficient solutions to protect customer verification mechanisms in electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) systems against deepfake attacks.
[JST CREST] FakeMedia project (Member)
2020 – 2025
The purpose of CREST FakeMedia is to deal appropriately with the potential threats posed by FakeMedia generated by AI and, at the same time, to establish social information technologies that support diverse means of communication and decision-making.
[JST CREST] VoicePersonae project (Member)
2018 – 2023
The VoicePersonae project is an international joint project of National Institute of Informatics, Japan, University of Avignon, France, and Eurecom, France, supported by JST CREST and ANR. Our topics include diverse topics related to voice identities such as speech synthesis, voice conversion, speaker recognition, presentation attack detection, media forensics, speech anonymization and speech privacy.
[JSPS Kakenhi (S)] Communication System for Defending against Attacks of Media Clones (Student)
2016 - 2021
Distribution of non-authentic media has become a potential threat in our daily life. Its typical example is a fraud by voice impersonation of family members or friends. It is therefore of great importance to protect the receivers of such non- authentic but skillfully fabricated replicas of authentic media, called media clones, by means of media processing technologies towards safe and reliable society. The purpose of this research project is to realize a communication system that can defend against attacks of media clones.